Tuesday 30 April 2019


 Our Saint John's school is applying for being part of Rights Respecting Schools UNICEF award, this means  placing children's rights at the heart of a school life.
Watch the next video to know more about children's rights.

 One of the ways you can help your school being  part of this community is by completing  the survey. Please click one of the next links below


Friday 12 April 2019

Our Senses

Each sense is connected to an organ from our body. See the chart below

Remember that through your SKIN you can feel for example different textures (rought, smooth) and temperatures (warm, hot, cold, frozen).

If yo want to know more check a link with information by clicking the next word 

Monday 1 April 2019

World Autism Awareness Day

A day to celebrate diversity! 
Autism definition: A  certain set of behaviors, children and adults can exibit affecting yheir verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction. 

World Down Syndrome Day

Down Syndrome day has beten celebrated  last March 21st in many countries. If you want to know more about follow the next link https://www.awarenessdays.com/awareness-days-calendar/world-down-syndrome-day-2019/
We also share a video explaining this condition and a lovely song performed by children and their  mothers.
