Thursday 21 November 2019


El Mono SΓ­labo 

¿ QuΓ© palabras con  v  se nombran en el video ? Nombra  cada una de ellas  y luego escribelas.

Preguntas de comprensiΓ³n lectora para tu hijo

Ayuda a tu hijo a entender el mensaje del cuento, que en este caso, habla de la importancia de esforzarse y perseverar en las tareas para conseguir buenos resultados. Utiliza con tu hijo estas preguntas y reflexiona con su ayuda sobre el cuento de Uga la tortuga: 
1. ¿QuΓ© le pasaba a Uga la tortuga? ¿Por quΓ© se metΓ­an todos los compaΓ±eros del bosque con ella?
2. ¿Hizo algo Uga para cambiar esta situaciΓ³n?
3. ¿Que le dijo la trabajadora hormiguita?
4. ¿CΓ³mo se sentΓ­a Uga al comenzar a esforzarse en todo lo que hacΓ­a?

Chilean native species

Resultado de imagen para flora y fauna de chile

This week you were assigned with a Chilean living thing, where you have to research about different aspects:

1. Food: What it eats. 

2. Habitat: Place where it lives.

3. Body covering (in case of animal): what it has on its body.

4. Movement (in case of animal): the way it moves around.

5. Special properties (in case of plant): what is it good for? (medicinal purposes)

Here I will leave some links for you to inquire about your native species:

Wednesday 20 November 2019

2d Shapes and their parts ⊿▭▢○⬜⚪◯πŸ”²█ ▃ ▲

2d shapes receive different names acording to their shape and also the number of sides:

Resultado de imagen para 2d shapes chart

Resultado de imagen para 2d shapes parts
2d shapes and their parts:

2d shapes game click here!!!

Phonics: Silent "E"

When letter "E" goes at the end, it always goes mute, in other words, you don't pronunce it. Here you have some examples:

Resultado de imagen para silent e words

Games with Silent "E", click here!!!

Vowel sounds

When two vowels go together, their sound change. Let's listen to some of them: 

Plants and its parts

Most plants have the same parts, can you guess their names?

Once you are ready, check your answers with the following video:

Life cycle of different living things πŸŒ»πŸŒ²πŸžπŸ‡πŸŒΊπŸŠπŸ πŸŒ΅πŸ·πŸ›πŸ„πŸ‚πŸ¦‹

Life cycle of a plant🌿

Life cycle of a butterflyπŸ¦‹

Life cycle of a frog🐸

Monday 18 November 2019

Differences between living and non-living things

What makes a living thing a living thing?πŸ‘€

Environment (our habitat)

The environment is all what surrounds us. It is the place where we live with all the components we can find in it.
Have a look at tis video:

Living and non-living things.

1. As you may know, nature has different elements that can be alive or not.

2. Depending on the environement we are surrounded, we have things that are part of the nature or man-made. Check this video and see the difference:

Friday 15 November 2019


Welcome to our new unit of inquiry and the last one of the year: We all count in nature!

Here you have a song to start thinking about our new unit: